viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2020

Post graduate studies

 Hi everyone:). How I mentioned in my last posts, after end my studies and finished my career (some day) I have planned work a time and later study astronomy (for passion) or some related with sciences, I would like study in other university, maybe out of Chile or not, I don't care so much and depend of where I am in the future, possibly I would study on the south of Chile, but for the moment I don't have nothing planned, maybe in Canada or US It could also be, but nothing is sure.

My principal objective is basically learn and learn, I love so much science (always I say this) and I would love can dedicate to investigate that. My most ambitious dream and objective is be recognized for my work or even gain a award for this, its just a dream XD sincerely I don't believe that I can accomplish that, its millions of times more difficult that it sounds, but I can content myself with dedicate to investigate and contribute as much as possible to humanity and society, you know, investigate drugs, plants, diseases, etc for the sake of humanity

My plan is raise a lot of money while I am working for spend in my future studies, I hope can be study normal and I hope that another pandemic don't happen hahahahaha

see you next time :).

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020

My future work

 Hi everyone :). I think my future work is, principally, put my own pharmacy in some site where the people needed (in the south of Chile if I can), after years of work and have good sustain I would like it dedicate to the investigation, study other career or simply dedicate myself to other thing, what the future holds me I guess. My principal objetive in a nutshell is basically work in a pharmacy a long time and after dedicate my self to other objetive.

I don't like so much travel, I think I am not very good to travel, I am more of work in a laboratory, dedicate myself to investigation or attending people (in the future), but I don't see me travel so much while I working, maybe for vacations or visit some friend or my family but out of there i don't believe.

Respect to the salary, well, the pharmaceutic gain a great money but sincerely I don't mind this, while that I can cover my basic needs and some whim uwu I think i am good, although it is possible that i spent the most of the money in food or games hahahahaha. 

I am not currently thinking about any specific major, obviously this will change while I progress in the career, but for the moment, I have nothing in mind.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020

Career Related

Hi everyone :). Choose a career is, in my opinion, the most difficult  and important decision in all life, because literally you are deciding in what you will work for the rest of your life, sounds hard, I know, but its an election that everyone have to take. 

In my case, since I have 14-15 years old I always had wanted study chemistry and pharmacy, always I like it the chemistry and also I like to help people, so chemistry and pharmacy is the best career I could choose, I guess, for the moment its good, though I wish it was in presencial, online the career and the university in general is very daunting, because a cant see my partners, I cant go to the laboratories and cant know the faculty :(((( the pandemic ruined my first year of university and its possible that also can ruin the second xd 

For the other hand, even if chemistry and pharmacy always has been my first option, also I like would study other career later, like astronomy or some career related whit physics. Simply because I like the science (biology less than the others XD) and i love it can learn about how work the universe and everything in reality.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020


In reality, long time ago I don't see movies, actually, now that I think about it, looks like I have seen very few movies in total, but (the few times) when I see movies, I prefer the genre of Science fiction, in special about times travels, you know, movies like back to the future, Dark, The Time Machine, Donnie Darko (Very recommended) or inclusive The Avenger End Game

One of my favorite is back to the future (l, ll and lll), a classic movie trilogy from the year 1985, 1989 and 1990 respectively, its look like this is the first movie you think when you think about time travel. Well, it has all, comedy, science, romance and obviously time travels, apart the characters (especially the doc) are very charismatic, and I love it.

Another of my favorite movies that I mentioned is Donnie Darko, this movie is a little strange the first time you see, you have to see it many times to understand the history of the movie. the "weird" of this movie is that there don't use a technology or machines, everything happens thanks to a very strange man in a very cute bunny suit, sound very weird and strange and, indeed, it is hahahaha. The movie have a so much symbolism and hidden messages and I personally recommend a lot uwu.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

My study trip

Hi everyone again :) today I'm going to talk about my study trip. Was in 2018, in December specifically, with my classmates. I remember like it was yesterday, although we could go to Isla de Pascua (In my opinion was better -.-) we went to the south of Chile and, principally, Bariloche, Argentina, going by Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt visiting some sites interesting like farms, volcanoes and different tourist sites.

Already in Bariloche we did it different activities for a whole week, I don't mention all because the blog would be very long, so the best for me it was when go to play paintball with my friends, it was super exciting, I remember that hit one of my partners in a point where he didn't have a protector suit XD, I leave him a mark for various days hahahaha (if your can try, don't do it pls).

Other of the best moments was the rally kart, never I used one of them, was incredible (also I won the most of the racing). Another fun experience is that to one of my friends get loose a one of the front wheels and crash with the walls XD.

Out of activities and all of this, what I liked most it was the all you can eat restaurant in the hotel u.u I remember ate all of I wished, it was a dream come reality :cccc

Sorry for not post any pic the most of them stay in other PC :(

Thanks one more time for read. uwu


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

A country I would like to visit

 Hi everyone :D, I don't have a preference respect a one specific country because I'm interested in a little bit of everything, although I like the idea to study and live in Santiago, but if we are honest, this sound kinda boring. So I will say I would like live in Italy, specifically, in Venice.

And your asking me why surely, well, i don't lie you, I love the pasta, if were for me I eat pasta always every day of my life XD, i love it. Also, I like the idea to live in a city where the boats are the vehicle most frequent, you know, go to the house of your friend in canoe o just simply go out in a boat its kinda crazy if you think.

If I could go live in Venice, I would do after end my studies, my uncle went to Italy the past year, and he said me that Venice was very quiet and beautiful. Also in Italy I could go to other city's like Roma, Milan or Pisa (where stay the tower of Pisa) and without talking about the coliseum of Roma, everything is amazing. Also the culture of Italy is spectacular, specially the past of the country and my family, yes, most of my family comes to Italy, some uncles and my great grandparents are from there.


And this is all, thanks for read.

see you next time :)

Post graduate studies

 Hi everyone:). How I mentioned in my last posts, after end my studies and finished my career (some day) I have planned work a time and late...