Hi everyone :). Choose a career is, in my opinion, the most difficult and important decision in all life, because literally you are deciding in what you will work for the rest of your life, sounds hard, I know, but its an election that everyone have to take.
In my case, since I have 14-15 years old I always had wanted study chemistry and pharmacy, always I like it the chemistry and also I like to help people, so chemistry and pharmacy is the best career I could choose, I guess, for the moment its good, though I wish it was in presencial, online the career and the university in general is very daunting, because a cant see my partners, I cant go to the laboratories and cant know the faculty :(((( the pandemic ruined my first year of university and its possible that also can ruin the second xd
For the other hand, even if chemistry and pharmacy always has been my first option, also I like would study other career later, like astronomy or some career related whit physics. Simply because I like the science (biology less than the others XD) and i love it can learn about how work the universe and everything in reality.